The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the company’s highest decision-making body. The company’s board of director convenes the annual general meeting annually within six months of the end of the financial year. The AGM resolves in accordance with the companies act and the articles of association: the adoption of the financial statements, the use of the shown profit in balance sheet, the discharge of the members of the board of directors and CEO, the number of the members of the board of directors and the remuneration of the board of directors and auditors. The AGM also elects the members of the board of directors and the auditors and discusses any other matters mentioned in the notice of the meeting.
An extraordinary general meeting may be convened to deal with a particular matter when the board deems it appropriate or otherwise when the law requires it.
The invitation to the AGM will be published on the company’s website and in a stock exchange releases. A shareholder has the right to be heard by the shareholder’s meeting under the companies act, if he or she requests in writing from the board of directors in appropriate time and may be included in invitation of the meeting.
BBS’s annual general meeting will be held at its headquarters in Oulu. The shareholder is entitled to attend the AGM if he or she is 8 days prior to the AGM being registered in the company’s shareholder register and if he or she has announced his participation in the company as mentioned in the invitation of the AGM. Also, the holder of a nominee shareholder is entitled to attend the AGM by registering in the company’s shareholder register on a temporary basis. BBS has one share series and each share has one vote at the company’s AGM.
The administration of BBS and the proper organization of its operations are managed by the board of directors, in which according to the Articles of Association include at least three and no more than six ordinary members. The AGM elects the members of the board of directors. The terms of office of the members of the board expires at the end of the next AGM. The board of directors elects a chairman and vice chairman from among its members.
The board’s duties include deciding of the company’s strategy, strengthening of the action plan and budget, a half-year report, handling and approval of the financial statements and the report of the board of directors. The board decides on strategic or economically significant investments, acquisitions and the responsibility for the commitments, accepts company’s financing politics, confirms the company’s risk management and reporting process and decides company’s remuneration and incentive programs. The board also decides the structure of the company, is responsible for dividend policy and the development of the shareholder value, nominates the CEO and decides his or her fringe benefits, decides the appointment of a deputy to the CEO, takes care of the tasks of the audit committee and is responsible for other tasks regulated in the companies act or otherwise.
Born in 1941
MD, PhD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery
Member of the board since 2003
Key work experience:
Key position of trust:
Independent in relation to the company and management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Jalovaara owns 654,050 (3.15%) of the Company shares
Born in 1952
M.Sc. (Eng), in Industrial Mechanical Engineering
Member of the board since 2016
Key work experience:
Key positions of trust:
Independent in relation to the company and management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Halonen owns 82,491 (0.41%) of the Company shares
Born in 1956
Engineer, Automation, Electrical/Electronics
Member of the board since August 2020
Key work experience:
Key positions of the trust:
Independent in relation to the company and management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Born in 1956
BS, in Chemistry & Biology, MS and PhD in Bioengineering
Member of the board since April 2021
Key work experience:
Independent in relation to the company and management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Born in 1958
University degree in Agriculture
Member of the board since June 2024
Key work experience:
Gregor Siebert is a German citizen and started his career in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry in 1985, focusing strongly on the commercialization and marketing of hospital products. He worked for more than 30 years in sales and marketing management positions at Abbott, Hikma, Pfizer, GL-Pharma and Curasan AG companies. His key areas of expertise are marketing and sales strategy and implementation in the bone regeneration market.
Independent in relation to the company and management: Yes
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
The CEO manages the company’s current management in accordance with the instructions and regulations issued by the board and actively protects the company’s interests. He or she directs and supervises the company and its business operations, is responsible for day-to-day operational management and strategy implementation and prepares matters pertaining to the board of directors and is responsible for their implementation. The CEO of BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oyj has been Juliusz Rakowski since 3rd November 2023.
The management team assists the CEO in the preparation of strategies, operating principles and other business and corporate matters.
Born in 1984
Master of Arts, eMBA University of Eastern Finland
CEO of BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oyj
Born in 1977
Financial manager
Specialist Vocational Qualification in Property Management
Core work experience:
Kauppinen has over 20 years of experience in financial management and real estate and personnel management.
Born in 1957
Director of Quality, Accountable Director (QP)
Member of the management team since December 2023
MSc (Chem.), Post-graduate Specialization studies in Industrial Pharmacy and in Pharmaceutical Technology
Experience at BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oyj:
Key work experience:
Merja Haikola has over 30 years of experience in quality control and assurance duties in pharmaceutical industry for medicinal products and also for manufacturing of medical devices. Previous employers: Kansanterveyslaitos (KTL), Työterveyslaitos, Leiras(Schering) Oy, Focus Inhalation Oy, Leiras Finland Oy, CTT Cancer Targeting Technologies Oy, GE Healthcare Oy
Born in 1971
Director of Quality Control
Member of the management team since November 2020
MSc (Tech), MSc (Biochem.)
Key work experience:
Mikko Viitanen has 20 years of experience in developing laboratory analysis methods. He also holds a MSc. in Process Engineering and has developed purification methods for reindeer bone protein extract.
The board of directors is responsible for ensuring that the company’s risk management is properly and efficiently organized. The company’s risk management aims at identifying strategic, operational, financial and traditional hazard risks. The objective of risk management is to anticipate and comprehensively manage these risk areas. Risk management has been incorporated into company’s business processes. The company reports the most significant risks in its financial statements and in half-yearly reports. The most important risks are listed on the listing brochure.
The external audit function is to verify, according to the laws in force in Finland, that the company, that the financial statements give correct and sufficient information on the company’s financial performance and financial position during the financial year. The auditor of the company issues the auditor’s report required by law to the company’s shareholders in connection with the financial statement. The audit carried out during the financial year is reported to the board of directors. The auditor and the board meet at least once a year.
The AGM elects the auditor. The term of office of auditor shall comprise, for election purposes, the current financial year and the end at the end of the next AGM following the election.
In the company’s AGM 30 March 2023, Ernst & Young Oy was re-elected as the company’s auditor, and Jari Karppinen, KHT, will act as the company’s principal auditor.
BBS has defined as senior executives the members of the board of directors and managing directors in accordance with MAR-regulation (The Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) Number 596/2014, “MAR”). The company publishes transactions related to the financial instruments of the company’s executives and their affiliated companies in accordance with the declaration received without delay and at the latest within three working days of the transaction. The information is available on the company’s website after the publication.
The BBS has defined the people at the core of the company’s core of knowledge, so-called permanent insiders, for example members of the company’s executive management team and those involved in preparing for financial reporting, who have access to core of knowledge of the company based on their duties. On request, the project-specific insider register to be set up, if any, will include the insider information relating to the project in question.
Trading rules
BBS’s management or permanent insider persons acting on their own are not allowed to carry out the figures, or a third party, either directly or indirectly, transactions related to the BBS during the financial instruments in the so-called closed window. The closed window will begin 30 days before the company publishes half-annual report or the financial statement bulletin and the window ends on the day following the publication of the result. Project specific insiders are prohibited from trading on the company’s financial instruments until the project expires or is publicized.
Insider guidelines on compliance, disclosure obligation and insider management are maintained by the company’s HR-person.
1 §. Company’s name and registered office
The company’s name is BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Oyj in Finnish, BBS-Bioactive Bone
Substitutes Abp in Swedish and BBS-Bioactive Bone Substitutes Plc in English. The Company is domiciled in Oulu.
2 §. Company’s line of business
The company’s line of business is to conduct medical and odontological research and
treatment and maintain a research and treatment facility; supply services related to such activity; import, buy, sell, rent and manufacture machinery, equipment, instruments and pharmaceuticals necessary for the operation of such line of business. Medical activities for commercializing artificial bone and carrying on business with artificial bone and manufacturing rights.
3 §. Removed.
4 §. Board of Directors
The company has a Board of Directors which consists of 3-7 ordinary members. The term of
the members of the Board of Directors expires at the closing of the first Annual General
Meeting following the election.
5 §. Signing for the company
Two members of the Board of Directors together or the Managing Director and one member
of the Board of Directors together may sign for the company.
6 §. Auditors
The company has one regular auditor, who has one deputy. The auditors are appointed until further notice.
7 §. Financial period
The accounting period of the company is the calendar year 1 January – 31 December.
8 §. Notice
Notice of the General Meeting shall be delivered to the shareholders no earlier than two
months and no later than three weeks before the General Meeting, yet no later than nine
days before the record date of the General Meeting. The notice of the General Meeting shall be delivered by sending it to the addresses indicated in the shareholders’ register or, alternatively, by delivering the notice within the same timeframe in another written manner for example by email or by publishing the notice in a national daily newspaper determined by the Board of Directors. The notice shall also be published on the company’s website.
In order to participate in the General Meeting, the shareholder shall give the company
advance notice of participation at the latest on the date stated in the notice, which may not be earlier than ten (10) days before the General Meeting.
9 §. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually within six months of the end of the
accounting period on a date determined by the Board of Directors.
In the meeting, the following shall be presented:
1. financial statements comprising a profit and loss statement, a balance sheet and an
annual report
2. auditor’s report
decided upon:
3. adoption of the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet;
4. measures required by the profit or loss on the adopted balance sheet
5. discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director from
6. members of the Board of Directors and, if necessary,
7. one auditor and their deputy
10 §. Redemption clause
11 §. Book-entry system
It was resolved to incorporate the company’s shares in the book-entry system. It was
resolved that the incorporation of the company’s shares in the book-entry system will begin
on 1st August 2017 and end on 2nd August 2017, after which the company’s shares will be in a
book-entry system.